Reduce Travel Anxiety with these Stress Busting Methods.


A few years ago my mother handed me a little pocket angel. It was given to her by my father’s cousin. His cousin was ill and in a nursing home but she was worried about me traveling alone. She didn't have much money yet she thought enough about me to pass on the guardian angel. She wanted me to make sure I knew there was always someone watching over me during my travels. I was heading to Australia, it was a work trip, but I was traveling on my own. That angel has traveled with me ever since. I even sneak it into my son’s backpacks whenever they travel as an extra safeguard.  Call me superstitious, but I’ll take what I can get. If there’s a chance we can have that little bit of extra comfort to ease our journeys we’re using it.  

Reducing my anxiety is a big part of my travel routine. Actually, a big part of my daily life.  I don’t know what it is, but I’m constantly stepping out of my comfort zone. It’s like I feed on it or something. I often find myself asking…why did I do this? I’ve been traveling for decades. I even remember when there were smoking sections on airplanes. It doesn’t matter if I’m going two hours away or halfway around the world, my travel anxiety increases and it’s a struggle to let it go. But I love traveling too much to have it get in my way of experiencing the wonders of this amazing planet and the people on it.  Ahh yes…that’s why I do it. 

Maybe it’s because we’ve experienced and seen so much in our lifetime. We’ve lost loved ones, witnessed the horrors of 911, we survived a pandemic for goodness sake, and that’s just to name a few. All the bad stuff. I’m sure that has something to do with our collective state of mind. Every day I work hard on battling the negativity that is constantly being spit out by mankind. I’ve consciously decided to kick it out the door and do my best to keep it at bay.  

That is easier said than done. So, here are a few helpful methods I use to reduce travel anxiety and the daily stress of life.  (I am not a professional. I am just sharing what I do to keep my anxiety and stress levels to a minimum.) 

  • I believe it is possible to take control of your social media algorithm. Focus on searching for things that make you feel good. Refrain from getting into that spiraling trap of clicking and scrolling through the negativity of the world. There’s nothing like a funny dog video, metaphysical teachings, and of course travel. If you search all things positive the algorithm will return positive feeds. Hmm…it’s similar to the Universe, thoughts become things. Think happy thoughts and you will feel happy. 

  • Don’t leave home without a lavender essential oil roll-on/stick. As soon as you start to feel that anxiety monster creep up on you, take it out and rub it on your wrist, and breathe it in. It instantly calms you. I even use it at night to fall asleep. Perfect for traveling. 

  • One of my favorite calming methods is the shower bomb. They are the best! Just sit it on your shower shelf and let the moist air evaporates the shower bomb and release all its calming scents. You can take them with you when you travel too. 

  • Breathing exercises are the easiest and most cost-effective way to reduce travel anxiety. You can do it anywhere. Just take a deep breath. Inhale through your nose for a count of four, hold for four and exhale for a count of six. Do this three or four times and your anxiety levels are reduced.  

  • A really good pair of earbuds and soft calming spa or meditation music. Close your eyes and relax. The calming sound of the rainforest or waves rolling up to the shore can instantly bring your stress levels and anxiety down.

  • Hold a crystal in your palm. I carry my Moonstone pocket angel with me everywhere. It also makes a great gift. If you’re interested click the link below. I’m selling them on my Etsy page. Just holding the angel in your hand, with its smooth surface keeps you calm. 

  • Visualize daily. It only takes about four minutes a day. That’s all the time you need to practice your mantras and positive affirmations. You must say them in the present tense and as though you already possess the attributes you desire. 

  • Keep a journal and write down all your positive visualizations. I like to draw them out like emojis. I’m a massive believer in journaling and encourage you to journal for a few minutes every day and especially when you travel. There’s nothing better than going back to your old journals to recall those little things you may have forgotten about on your trip. Daily journaling allows you to set your intentions for the day while letting out all those things that bothered you. Just writing them out is a huge release. Read my article in The Travel Journal for more tips. 

  • Meditate. All you need is five minutes. Forming this essential habit will change your life. I like listening to guided meditation. I find mine on the Breethe app. But they are also available on YouTube or streaming services and the App Store. My newest and very effective form of meditation is tapping. Tapping meditation is exactly what it sounds like. You use your index and middle finger to gently tap through touch points on your face and upper body. Beginning with the side of your hand, the corner of your eyebrow, the side of your eyes, under your eyes, under your nose above the lip, under the lip on the indent of your chin, both hands on your collar bone, and one hand under your arm ending with the top of your head. Do this while repeating affirmations. It works. You begin with the negative and work into the positive. Amazing stuff. For the best and feel-good tapping meditations, I like Nick Ortner. 

  • A warm cup of Honey Ginger & Citron Tea, just found this amazing jam. All you need is a tablespoon and a cup of hot water. Sit back and enjoy this healthy drink, breathe in its aroma and you’re good. Also, great for traveling. Pack some in a Tupperware and stick it in your travel bag.  

  • Travel aromatherapy mists. Create your favorite calming atmosphere in any destination, including your car. Pick out some stress relieving essential oils. Only a drop or two can fill the air and transport you to a calming meadow on a breezy summer day.

  • Practice gratitude. Always be grateful for what you have. And all the abundance around you. I bet if you stop right now and think about the things you are grateful for you can come up with at least three. Do this every day. 

Creating a calm environment in my home and when I travel, helps me set my intentions for the day, and brings down my stress level to a minimum. I’ve even noticed when I’m calm, it’s contagious and spreads to the people around me. Everyone benefits even the dog. When I travel I seek out Stay Well rooms if they are available. For more information read my article about Stay Well rooms by Delos.


It’s so important to carve out a few minutes a day, preferably in the morning, to practice meditation, listen to soft music, breathe in calming scents, set the mood, and light a candle. Get up a few minutes early daily to carve this time out for yourself. You won’t be disappointed and you’re life will change for the better, soon this will become your favorite part of the day.

Life is stressful no matter what we do or where we go, these methods won’t eliminate the stress but will help you manage it.


These simple steps will also assist in naturally resetting your circadian rhythm and put you back on track to make the most of every wonderful day you are out and about traveling the globe. 

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